Thursday, August 12, 2010

Toast to the Flag

What does this have to do with simulation? In one sense, it has nothing to do with simulation. In another sense it has everything to do with it, at least for me. Now, I may die a POOR man, but I will also die as a man of integrity and honor. For me, the flag represents an ideal America and the ideas of our founding fathers (since it is a representation, I suppose it is a model). I don't always like what our country or its leaders do. I don't always like the direction in which we're heading. But I do love the ideal America, and this is what the flag really represents.

I served in the military for 24 yours to protect the flag (not the cloth--the idea). I hope that as you read, you'll consider your own flag, whether it be that of India, Indonesia, China, Russia, or South Africa. The flag is why I do simulation.

I delve into simulation to find the means for a safer and more secure country, an economically stable country, an environmentally friendly country, and even a better educated country. I believe that I am serving the idea of freedom and people of this country, not so much its leaders. If you're reading this from India, Argentina or another country, I hope you'll have the same heart for your country. With simulation we can experiment with ways to have a safer world, better communication, etc.

Finally, here is a Toast to the Flag:

Here’s to the red of it —
There’s not a thread of it,
No, nor a shred of it
In all the spread of it
From foot to head.
But heroes bled for it,
Faced steel and lead for it,
Precious blood shed for it,
Bathing it red!

Here’s to the white of it —
Thrilled by the sight of it,
Who knows the right of it
But feels the might of it
Through day and night?
Womanhood’s care for it
Made manhood dare for it,
Purity’s prayer for it
Keeps it so white!

Here’s to the blue of it —
Beauteous view of it,
Heavenly hue of it,
Star-spangled dew of it
Constant and true;
Diadems gleam for it,
States stand supreme for it,
Liberty’s beam for it
Brightens the blue!

Here’s to the whole of it —
Star, stripes and pole of it,
Body and soul of it,
O, and the roll of it,
Sun shining through;
Hearts in accord for it
Swear by the sword for it,
Thanking the Lord for it,
Red, White and Blue!

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